Thursday, 15 January 2015

Viral Marketing: Not As Bad As It Sounds

‘Elvis rubs backs’. If you were an Elvis fan and saw this line posted somewhere and it was followed by an easy to remember web address, you would probably visit the site to see what this was all about. How about the idea of having a plush dog sadly looking at you from a billboard – the line underneath states that you can visit the website indicated and it allows you to make the dog happy with a virtual puppy treat; many dog lovers will most likely visit this site to find out what this ad is all about. If you would be among them then you have just fallen for viral marketing. In spite of its rather ominous sounding name, viral marketing is little more than capturing your target audience’s attention and persuading them to visit your website.

There is a viral marketing video email that contains a silly video, which pushes a product. It is so funny that in spite of its commercial message it is forwarded all over the world simply because people enjoy it. This advertising technique also takes place at websites that are known for their videos posted by users, such as YouTube. Any kind of marketing, viral or otherwise, on the Internet now needs to step it up a bit since advertisers are getting more creative and the interactive medium is quickly dominating the attention of those surfing the ‘Net.

A successful viral marketing campaign should be able to get a large number of visitors to a website in a relatively short period of time – with proper saturation of the market. Viral marketing gurus like to create a buzz that does not necessarily surround the product but the delivery of the ad itself, thus creating a curiosity among the target audience that will even have those who would not usually visit the site come to take a look. Viral marketing services work simply because it is refreshingly different from is currently found on the ‘Net.

In addition to the foregoing, viral marketing also capitalizes on the offline audience – those who might not usually surf the web or only do so for very specific reasons. While viral email marketing is limited because of the SPAM regulations, viral marketing software and a successful related script displayed on a billboard by the highway, can have as much and perhaps even more of an impact. A viral marketing strategy may be the best way to go for the company that has a healthy advertising budget. 

Monday, 5 January 2015

How To Gain Better Website Ranking Through Search Engine Submission

Search engine submission is the process by which you make your website available to people who are searching for a specific keyword. If this keyword appears on your webpage, it will be listed as a relevant match to this person’s search. After you submit, search engines will place your link in their database as searchable for their clients. There are many different search engine submission websites that you can use to start moving up the charts. 

Professional search engine submission probably is not where you want to start, but it is a very important part of the equation. If you are trying to market a professional service, then you want to market to the right people, which means using a professional search engine to do so. Free search engines submission service is also available, but it is not as clean and classy as professional search engines are. Remember, just because you are providing a professional service, does not mean that you only have to use professional search engines. You can use free search engines as well to supplement your professional traffic.

In general, search engine submission will cost very little to you, and if you use a free service, even better. Usually search engine companies that charge a fee will be submitting your website to multiple databases instead of just their own, which means they are going out of their way to provide you with webpage traffic. Take advantage of as many search engines as you possibly can so that you can reach the greatest audience, especially using free search engines to get started. 

Search engine submission software is a relative term. There are not any real programs that you need to complete search engine submission, but many websites do offer you some tools to help you get the job done. By following the programming that is already on their webpage, search engine submission becomes simply a matter of filling in the blanks with the right information.

Search engine submission is an easy process meant to give you a starting place for building your web page and business. If you are looking to reach a specific audience, you may want to use a professional search engine to list with so that you will be reaching the clients that are going to be most interested in what you have to say. Either way, always uses the free search engines that are available to you so that you can maximize your traffic without having too much overhead in the beginning.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Viral Marketing Can Be The Key To Success; Here Is Why?

If you have at all been around internet marketing recently then you have probably already heard of viral marketing. It is the concept of creating a link to your website that others end up passing out for you; the term viral comes from the virus like spread that your link goes on if you perform the activity properly. Many websites will offer for your perusal a demo viral marketing video. Email them for further information and they will be more than happy to provide you with the basics of how their specific system works and how it can help you with your marketing online. Viral marketing gurus frequently use the example of the free e-book. In this marketing, viral experts will give out an e-book free of cost but include a link to their website in it. In the book, they mention that the people can freely distribute the e-book to their friends and as they do that the link begins to spread with a large amount of rapidity; spreading far wider than they could hope to achieve on their own efforts.

So how does one go about starting one’s viral marketing campaign? Well there are a number of ways! You could try offering people a free e-book and see what happens or alternatively if you are more interested in viral email marketing then perhaps it might be better if you sent out an informative e-mail to everyone in your list and invited them to forward it to their friends. There are a lot of viral marketing services available that can help you with both of these options and indeed, if you are interested in the concept of viral marketing then you should definitely go ahead and check these options out. It only takes a few minutes to understand how to go about performing one of them and the pay-off it has for your business could be immense.

There is many a viral marketing package that you could use to facilitate any viral marketing that you plan to do but before you start your campaign you need to have a goal; a viral marketing strategy. What is your goal? What do you hope to accomplish through viral marketing? Do you want a certain number of visitors to a new website or would you rather simply go ahead and place affiliate links inside everything and direct people to those websites directly? Viral marketing can be a very lucrative opportunity for you but only if you treat it as such an opportunity and go into it completely aware of what it is you want to accomplish. Doing otherwise is sinking yourself before you even start.